The Echko app is intended for individual use, and accounts must be owned and operated by an individual who provides their information during account registration. You may use Echko only if you are at least 13 years old and only in compliance with this Agreement and all relevant laws, rules, and regulations.

Users under the age of 13 are strictly prohibited from creating an account on Echko. Since the app is designed for users aged 13 and above, parental or guardian consent is not required for account creation or use. By using Echko, you confirm that you meet the minimum age requirement and are fully responsible for complying with this Agreement and all applicable laws.

Echko is not available to any users who have been previously removed from the service by us. If we discover that a user has misrepresented their age or eligibility, we reserve the right to terminate the account immediately.

II. User Onboarding Process for Echko

Echko offers two convenient methods for users to create and authenticate their accounts: OTP Authentication and Gmail Authentication. Each method is designed to provide a seamless onboarding experience while ensuring the security and accuracy of user data.

1. OTP Authentication

In the OTP Authentication method, users begin the onboarding process by entering their phone number into the app. Once the phone number is submitted, Echko will send a One-Time Password (OTP) to the provided number via SMS.

Steps for OTP Authentication:

  • Step 1: User inputs their phone number in the designated field.

  • Step 2: Echko sends a unique OTP to the user's phone number.

  • Step 3: User enters the received OTP into the app for verification.

  • Step 4: Upon successful verification of the OTP, the user is logged into the app and proceeds to complete their profile setup.

After successful login, users will need to manually fill in additional personal information to complete their profile. The fields that require manual input include:

  • Date of Birth (DOB): Users are prompted to enter their date of birth to ensure compliance with age-related requirements and for personalized features.

  • First Name and Last Name: Users input their first and last name, which will be displayed within the app and to other users in their circles.

  • Profile Picture: Users can upload a profile picture from their device to personalize their account.

This method provides users with full control over the information they share and allows them to update or change any of these fields during the setup process.

2. Gmail Authentication

The Gmail Authentication method allows users to create an account and log in using their existing Gmail credentials. This method simplifies the onboarding process by automatically importing key personal information from the user’s Gmail account.

Steps for Gmail Authentication:

  • Step 1: User selects the option to log in with Gmail.

  • Step 2: The user is redirected to the Google sign-in page, where they enter their Gmail credentials.

  • Step 3: Upon successful authentication, Echko automatically retrieves and updates the user’s profile with the following data fields from their Gmail account:

    • Date of Birth (DOB): Imported from the user's Google account settings.

    • First Name and Last Name: Retrieved from the user’s Google account and used to auto-populate the corresponding fields in Echko.

    • Profile Picture: The user’s Google profile picture is automatically set as the Echko profile picture.

  • Step 4: The user is logged into the app with their profile already populated with the imported information.

This method streamlines the registration process by reducing the need for manual data entry, allowing users to get started with Echko more quickly and with less effort. Additionally, the Gmail Authentication ensures that the user’s profile is consistent with their existing Google account, maintaining a uniform digital identity across platforms.

III Age Verification and User Accountability

Echko collects and verifies the age of its users through two different authentication methods: OTP Authentication and Gmail Authentication. The accuracy of the age data provided is critical for several features within the app, including the appropriate distribution of content via the newsletter and ensuring that necessary parental consent is obtained for younger users.

1. Age Collection Methods

  • OTP Authentication: When users authenticate their account using the OTP method, they are required to manually enter their date of birth (DOB) during the profile setup process. This information is essential for verifying that the user meets the minimum age requirements to use the app and for determining the need for parental consent.

  • Gmail Authentication: When users choose to authenticate their account through Gmail, their date of birth is automatically retrieved from their Google account settings. This auto-populated data helps streamline the onboarding process and ensures that the user’s age is consistent with their existing Google account.

2. User Responsibility and Echko’s Liability

Echko relies on the accuracy of the information provided by users during the account creation process. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that all details, including their date of birth, are entered truthfully and correctly.

Echko’s Liability: Echko is not liable for any false or inaccurate information regarding the user’s age that is provided during account registration. Users must understand that entering incorrect age information can lead to unintended consequences, particularly in relation to features that depend on accurate age data, such as the newsletter content filtering and the requirement for parental consent.

3. Importance of Accurate Age Information

Accurate age information is crucial for several reasons:

  • Newsletter Content Filtering: Echko provides age-appropriate content to users through its newsletter feature. The age of the user helps determine which content is suitable and ensures that content meant for specific age groups is only delivered to eligible users.

  • Parental Consent: For users who are minors according to their jurisdiction’s laws, accurate age information is necessary to determine whether parental or guardian consent is required. Failure to provide accurate information may result in the user accessing features or content without the appropriate legal consent.

4. Right to Account Termination

Echko reserves the right to delete or suspend any user’s account if it comes to our knowledge that the user has provided false or misleading information regarding their age. This is a critical measure to ensure the safety and compliance of our app with legal standards. Echko takes the accuracy of age data seriously, and any violation of this policy will result in appropriate action, including the potential removal of the user from the platform.

By using Echko, you agree to the importance of providing truthful information during account registration and acknowledge that Echko will not be held responsible for any consequences arising from the submission of false age data.


Echko is committed to safeguarding your privacy. The app collects and uses location data, personal information, and other data as described in our Privacy Policy. By using Echko, you consent to the collection and use of your data according to these terms. You can manage your data and privacy settings within the app, including options to disable location sharing and control who can access your information.


Echko strives to offer reliable and continuous service within India, but we do not guarantee uninterrupted availability. Echko services are provided on an "as-is" and "as-available" basis. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, regarding the availability, accuracy, reliability, or performance of the app.


Echko is not an insurer. The app’s features, such as location sharing, SOS messaging, speed supervision, and others, are designed to enhance user safety but do not guarantee protection from harm. Echko does not replace traditional emergency services, and users should not rely solely on our app in critical situations.


By using Echko, you acknowledge and agree that the app is used at your own risk. While we strive for accuracy and reliability, Echko cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or failures in service.


Echko may integrate with third-party services or provide links to other websites. We are not responsible for the practices or content of these third-party services. Users should review the terms and conditions of these providers separately.


A. Location Sharing

  1. Real-Time Location Sharing: Echko allows users to share their real-time location with members of their chosen circle. This feature is intended to help families and friends stay connected and ensure each other’s safety. Users can turn off location sharing at any time through the circle’s setting. The users will only be able to access another user's location if that user has internet connectivity and if that user has not turned off their location sharing.

  2. Connectivity and User Settings: The users will only be able to access another user's location if that user has internet connectivity and if that user has not turned off their location sharing. If a user’s device is offline or the location-sharing feature is disabled, real-time location data will not be available to other users.

  3. External Factors and Echko’s Liability: While Echko strives to ensure the reliability of real-time location sharing, the accuracy and availability of location data can be influenced by various factors beyond Echko’s control. These factors may include, but are not limited to, internet connectivity, GPS signal strength, device settings, environmental conditions (such as buildings, weather, or terrain), and interference from other electronic devices. Echko is not liable for any issues, delays, or failures in location sharing resulting from these or any other external factors. Users should not rely solely on Echko for critical safety situations and are encouraged to verify location information through alternative means if necessary.

B. Place Markers

  1. Custom Place Markers: Users can mark specific locations as ‘safe spaces’ or other categories within the app. These markers help users quickly identify important places such as homes, schools, or frequently visited locations.

  2. Marker Categories: Place markers can be categorized according to user preferences, making it easier to manage and organize locations within the app.

C. Speed Supervision

  1. Speed Monitoring: Echko allows the admin of a circle to set speed limits exclusively for the members of a circle. If a member exceeds this limit, the admin is notified of the violation. This feature is designed to promote safe driving habits among circle members.

  2. Echko is not liable for any issues, delays, or failures in the Speed Supervision feature resulting from external factors or any other conditions beyond our control. Users should not rely solely on Echko for monitoring or enforcing speed limits in critical safety situations and are encouraged to use additional methods to ensure safe driving practices if necessary. The ability of the admin to receive the message of an overspeeding violation could also be dependent on a few factors exclusive to the admin such as the internet connectivity or notification settings on that particular device, which are beyond the control of Eckho.

D. SOS Messages

  1. Emergency SOS Messaging: Echko includes an SOS feature that sends emergency messages to pre-designated contacts with the user’s live location. This can be activated in urgent situations to alert others quickly. To use this feature the user must go to the “SOS” section and click on “Send emergency message”.

  2. Echko is not liable for any issues, delays, or failures in the SOS Messaging feature resulting from external factors or any other conditions beyond our control. Users should not rely solely on Echko for sending emergency messages in critical safety situations and are encouraged to have alternative communication methods available to ensure that help can be reached if necessary.

E. People Nearby

  1. Nearby Contacts: Echko can help users locate members of their circle who are nearby. This feature is particularly useful in situations where immediate assistance is required. The location of the members in all the circles are displayed in terms of their proximity from the user.

  2. Echko is not liable for any issues, delays, or failures in the Nearby People feature resulting from external factors, including the connectivity or settings of both the user attempting to access the data and the user whose location data is being retrieved. Factors such as the availability of internet connectivity, GPS accuracy, and whether the other user has enabled location sharing can all impact the functionality of this feature. Users should not rely solely on Echko for locating nearby individuals in critical situations and are encouraged to use alternative methods to ensure effective communication or location tracking if necessary.

F. Safe Spaces

  1. Personalized Safe Spaces: Users can designate certain locations as ‘safe spaces’ within the app. These spaces are intended to be places where the user feels secure, and they can easily navigate to these locations in times of need. These safe spaces are exclusive to the user and no other user has access to the data of these safe spaces.

  2. Safe Space Navigation: The app provides navigation assistance to guide users to their marked safe spaces, ensuring they can reach safety efficiently. These safe spaces are predefined by the users and Echko does not provide any data of safe spaces by itself. Echko also does not guarantee accuracy of the navigation assistance given to users to their respective “safe spaces” as many external factors including but not limited to internet, battery, etc. which are beyond the control of the application can influence this process. Echko is not liable for any issues, delays, or failures in the navigation feature within Safe Spaces resulting from external factors or any other conditions beyond our control. Users should not rely solely on Echko for navigating to safe spaces in critical safety situations and are encouraged to use alternative navigation methods if necessary.

G. Newsletter

  1. Safety and Security Updates: Echko offers a newsletter feature that keeps users informed about news, safety tips, and security updates which Echko might feel is relevant and important. This information is curated to help users stay aware of potential threats and protect themselves and their loved ones. Echko offers a newsletter feature that keeps users informed about news, safety tips, and security updates that Echko deems relevant and important. The content of this newsletter is inspired by reliable sources, including reputable companies, government entities, and their affiliated bodies. Echko ensures that all information provided is curated to help users stay aware of potential threats and protect themselves and their loved ones. Echko guarantees that the sources of information used in the newsletter will never come from any source that has been banned or blacklisted by the Indian government or any of its affiliated statutory bodies. The newsletter content is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to individuals of all age groups. A few examples of the type of content that would be posted includes but is not limited to -

Emergency Preparedness Tips, Online Safety for Families, Road Safety Awareness, Health and Wellness Tips, Local Safety Initiatives, Cyberbullying Awareness etc.

If Echko includes content in its newsletter that is suitable only for a specific age group, it will ensure that this content is filtered and sent only to eligible users. Echko will take all necessary steps to prevent the distribution of age-sensitive material to users outside the appropriate age group, ensuring that all content remains relevant and suitable for its intended audience. If Echko is unsure about a particular user's age, such a user would be categorized to be only fit for those contents that would be suitable for all age groups.

Echko guarantees that no article published in the newsletter will contain false information or violate the laws of India. The integrity and accuracy of the content are of utmost importance, and Echko commits to upholding these standards in every communication sent to users.

  1. The newsletter provided by Echko is solely controlled and managed by Echko. No user, third party, or external entity has any influence or control over the content, topics, or distribution of the newsletter. Echko retains full editorial authority to ensure that the information shared is accurate, relevant, and aligned with the app’s commitment to user safety and compliance with Indian laws.


Echko does not currently offer any hardware devices, but it integrates with users’ mobile devices to provide the services listed above. All features are designed to work within the capabilities of standard smartphones.


Echko may integrate with third-party applications or services, but all integrations will be subject to the terms and conditions of those third-party providers. Users should review and agree to the terms of these providers separately.